I love traveling abroad and it is the photo gallery shot on that occasion.
Although the main destinations are Asia, in order to see World Heritage, I am also expending to South America, the Middle East and Europe.
The destinations are France, Korea, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico, Peru, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia, Alaska, Jordan, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, Morocco, Syria, Oman, Kenya, Netherland, Venezia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Nepal, Florence, Kerala in South India, Hungary, Sweden, Sicilia, Doha, London, Hong Kong &Macau, Finland, Portugal and Czech Republic.
Though until 2013, I had managed to use Film Cameras, I have migrated to Range Finder Digital Camera recently due to the difficulty to obtain Camera Films.
I hope that you can enjoy ambience of each country.(I had been resident in Dubai since 2009 to May, 2016. Now I have resided in Tokyo, Japan.)
After coming back to Japan, I have been shooting at Tokyo and outskirts, Kyusyu district, Ogasawara Islands as well.

海外旅行が好きで、その際に撮影した写真ギャラリーです。主な旅先はアジアですが、World Heritageを見るために南米や中東、ヨーロッパにも足を伸ばしてます。(2009年ー2016年5月までドバイ在住。現在は東京都在住。)渡航先は、フランス、韓国、ラオス、ミヤンマー、カンボジア、ベトナム、インド、インドネシア、トルコ、メキシコ、ペルー、エジプト、タイ、マレーシア、アラスカ、ヨルダン、ウズベキスタン、台湾、モロッコ、シリア、オマーン、ケニア、クロアチア、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナ、モンテネグロ、サウジアラビア、オランダ、キプロス、ヴェネツィア、ネパール、フィレンツェ、ケララ(南インド)、ハンガリー、スウェーデン、シシリー島、ドーハ、ロンドン、香港とマカオ、フィンランド、ポルトガル、チェコです。

Kumamoto Castle, Shirakawa River Source, Aso Shrine

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Chichijima (Ogasawara Islands),
Feel relaxed and comforted by the sea of color called “Bonin-blue”, untouched nature, beauty of the Milky Way, calm of the island.
At the time of the Chichijima departure from a port, extremely impressed with a send-off by the many boats.

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Hita, Mameda-machi

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Machida, Yanesen, Sumida-ku, Kōenji, Setagaya, Akasaka Palace, Yushima, Ooimachi, Sarushima, Hitachi

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Ube, Kawatana, Shimonoseki, Moji, Mita, Ginza, Osaka, Kokura, Itoshima, Nagoya, Sugamo,

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Nikko Tosho-gu, Asakusa, Ebisu

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Japan Rugby Top League, Kamakura,

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Stay in Prague Old Town, Hotel King's Court.
The city of Prague itself feels like a museum with buildings of all styles. Every square and every building is wonderful.
I especially like the Strahov Monastery Library (the most beautiful library in the world), the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague Castle, the Communist Museum, the mayors room of the citizens hall.
Here is Pilsner beer birthplace, and any of Hospoda (Beer Pub) are serving delicious Beer.
The wine making is also very popular here, I favorite Frankovka (dry, red) and Pluchaque (dry, white).
Czech cuisine includes roasted ducks and pork kneels, braised dishes (Gulsch and Svikova), Tartar steaks, Cutlets and more are homely dishes.
Marinated dishes (cheese oil pickles, sausage pickles) are the first time to eat.
With private taxi, travel to the southern city of Czech Republic, Třebíč, the ancient capital of Moravian region, and Telč, the pearl of Moravian (the town of the time when it flourished in the 16th century) day trip.

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Setagaya Japanese Apricot Festival, Kanda River, Shinjyuku, Asakusa-samba, Ube, Chōshi, Daijokyu, Keisei-Tateishi,

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Visited at Lisbon, Sintra, Porto and Amarante.
It's been to Sintra with a castle in wonderland during Lisbon stay. Then moved to Porto by train.
Amarante and Vila-Real where are well-known for producing Green Wine in this region and are also beautiful country side.
We enjoyed Vino VerdeGreen Wine), Red wine produced at Daon and Baidara, Black hairtail fish, the sardine which gained full weight, Octopus Tempura, BIFANA (Porto burger) and Pastel de nata (Portuguese egg tart pastry),
Keijo Serra da Estrela (mutton cheese) and so on.
It was the happiest and impressed travel to meet numerous great food every day.
The people who we met were strictly on time, sincerity, kindly and friendly.
The city and town was quite cute and very clean, even though a public restroom in a village.
No stresses at all and got through the travel with natural posture. Wishing to keep staying there.

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Yokohama, The BRIAN SETZER ORCHESTRA concert, Tokyo, Yasukuni-shrine, Meiji Jingu Stadium, Kōfu-city, Yamaguchi, Sengaku-ji, Yokosuka

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This country is blessed with wonderful nature and nations are taking care of those very well. We can enjoy forest bath through fresh leaves aroma even though parks are located in cities.
The miscellaneous goods with the pretty Finnish design are available. Apartments are not incongruous for even if Moomin opens a door and appears.
The people is speaking to others frankly. We can feed Seagulls on breads by hand. Squirrel comes near to us.
A group of Ducks are relaxing here and there by the waterside. Walking was really enjoyable.
Trams, buses, railroads and ferries are on time, and the number of lines are enough. You can move smoothly.
Moomin-world has been recreated at a small island. The world has utilized the landscape of the island and vegetation well and reproduced Moomin valley.

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フィンランド・デザインのかわいい雑貨。ムーミンが扉を開けて出てきても違和感のないようなかわいいアパートメントの並ぶ住宅地。 気さくに話しかけてきてくれる人々。手渡しでパンを食べてくれるかもめさんたち。近くまで寄ってくる小リスさん。 水辺のあちこちでくつろぐ鴨さんの群れ。お散歩がほんとうに楽しかった。 トラム、バス、鉄道、フェリーなどの時間は正確で、路線もたくさん。スムーズに移動できます。 小さな島をまるごと使ったムーミン・ワールドは、島の地形や植生を上手に活かしてムーミン谷を再現していました。

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Harajyuku, Arakawa-Toden, Boro-Ichi@Setagaya, Miyajima@Hiroshima, Tokyo Tower, Japanese Bon Dance Festival, Shinagawa Shukuba Festival(OIRAN),

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原宿、 荒川都電、世田谷ぼろ市、宮島@広島、東京タワー、盆踊り、品川宿場祭り(花魁)

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Japan Topics. Chinese Lantern Festival@Asakusa, YUKATA(Japanese Summer Kimono) Festival@Ginza,TSUNOSHIMA, Fukagawa Water Festival, OIRAN Festival@Shinagawa, Hakone,Nihon-Temple and Mother Stock Farm@Chiba.

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Traveld at Hong Kong and Macau summer season.

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Traveled at London early spring season.

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Visted at Doha, Qatar

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Staying at a hotel in Palermo, Artemisia palace. The city hotel where location was convinient very much, feelings in the room was also comfortable, and has a good service providing an airport shuttle bus.

Palaces, theaters, markets and PARATTSO (Tate of an aristocrat) For VIRRAMARUFITANO (movie God Far Sir's KORUREONE house) whereever I wanted to go is within all walking ranges.

The seafood and local food at a restraurant in a port town are quite delicious.
I wanted to eat another sardine pizza as well as fresh fish again before leaving.
I can suggest to buy a natural salt with slighthly sweet taste from Palermo for a gift.

There grows tangerine orange and lemon very much along the road.

RAGUSA is visited by rental car.The hotel room, staffs and dishes were brilliant in HOTEL Eremo Della Giubiliana in RAGUSA.
After played with cat which looks wearing socks and a watchdog in this hotel, called "Lily" in the daytime, I was healed and relaxed in front of the fireplace in the evening.

The hotel also provides a private runway for guests who comes here by private jet.

The fragrant olive oil grown in Elemo Village was wonderful.

Since the hotel is located in the center of the vast wheat field, lonelily, I go out to a terrace, then nothing is heard, completely silent in the dark time.
Morning was awaked by crowing and cooing of the various wild birds. Even though the hotel located in the field area, it is just 20 minites drive to the famous ancient town from the hotel.

The ingredients bought in ANTICA DROGHERIA in IBURA area were very good taste.

If we had a magical door is able to reach everywhere, I'd like surely to go there every day.

It takes around 2 hours by car to the Villa Romana del Casale.
I have seen a lots of mosaic picture at various places, nevertheless it was the first time to see such a large scale one and remaining very good conditions.
I can see natural wood sorrel fields and olive field during the driving.

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立地、お部屋の居心地も、空港シャトルバスなどのサービスもよいシティホテル。 王宮、劇場、市場、パラッツォ(貴族の館)、
ヴィッラマルフィターノ(映画ゴッドファーサーのコルレオーネ邸)等、 行きたかったところがすべて徒歩圏内。
街のレストランの港町ならではの海鮮料理、シチリアならではの郷土料理は美味。 鮮魚は言うまでもなく、鰯のピッツアはもう1枚食べて帰りたかった。 パレルモの甘い天然塩を、ぜひおみやげに。

外猫のソックスや、番犬として昼間はお外で活躍して、 夜は暖炉の前で一緒に寛いでくれる黒犬リリーにも、癒やされる。
広大な麦畑のまんなかにぽつんと建っていて、テラスに出ると、何も聞こえない 静寂。
イブラ地区のANTICA DROGHERIAで購入した食材が、とっても美味しかった。
これまでいろんなところでモザイク画を見たけれど、こんなに大規模に残ってい るのは初めて。

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The 7th year in Dubai.

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The hotel in where I stayed was "Grand (Stockholm)"-> "GYUTE (God Rand)"-> "Burns (Stockholm)".
Stockholm can pay with a credit card even though 1 post card, and is very convenient because SL card like Japanese "SUICA" and "PASUMO"which we can transfer Stockholm city as unified transfer card acceptable the subway, a bus, suburban line and tram look like Japanese "SUICA" and "PASUMO".)
The transfer fare to directly get to Hotels in Stockholm from the International Airport by taxi was almost same the cost as Rapid railway + City taxi from the Central station to the Hotel.
Favorites in Stockholm were "VASA Museum", "Photo Museum" ,"Change in a Gendarmerie" (It seems to be a concert of a brass band, not a just Gendarmerie Change.) and a ghost walk (Places in the old town where had the murder case and the supernatural phenomenon which non foreigner can know and walking small lanes where I never enter by myself.) then, Crayfish dish which is only available from mid of August till September. I had called on WASAHOF restraint to have the Crayfish dish many times. A cafe, "Vete-Katten" (the cinnamon roll on the cardamom dough and princess cake) and "Rosendals Tradgard Cafe" located in Djurgården island).
Gotland mid-in Summer season was a place like heaven. The outward appearance of each house has just only pretty, but also wonderful gardening respectively.The height of the flowering plant, bloom time and flower color combination have been considered. Some natural berries which is also on a lane in a suburb, heavily, it grows. At an famous island with the sheep industry, a lamb dish is a nonesuch.

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滞在したホテルは、グランド(ストックホルム)→ギューテ(ゴッドランド)→ バーンズ(ストックホルム)。
ストックホルムはカード社会で、SLカード(地下鉄・バス・郊外電車・トラム共 通、日本のスイカ・パスモみたい)から絵葉書1枚に至るまで、クレジットカードで支払えてとても便利。
空港↔ストックホルムの市内ホテルは、高速鉄道+市内タクシーも、ホテル↔空 港、料金的にはあまり変わらない。
ストックホルムのお気に入りは、ヴァーサ博物館、写真美術館、王宮の憲兵隊の 交代(単なる交代ではなく、ブラスバンドのコンサートのよう)、ゴースト・ウォーク(異邦人には知りようのない殺人事件、超常現象があった旧 市街の所々を、異邦人だとまず立ち入らないような狭い路地を歩きながら雰囲気たっぷりに紹介)、ザリガニ料理(8〜9月だけ食べられる。通ったお店はWASAHOF)、お気に入りカフェはヴェーテ・カッテン(ストックホルム駅近く、カルダモン生地のシナモンロール、プリンセスケー キ)、ローゼンダール・ガーデンカフェ(ユールゴーデン島)。
短い夏を迎えたゴッドランドは、天国の様な処。家々の外観がかわいいだけではなくて、それぞれお庭のガーデニングがまた素晴らしい。草花の背丈や開花時期、花色などを熟考されている。 郊外の小道にも野生のベリーがたわわに実る。養羊の島で、ラム料理は絶品。

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The 6th year over in Dubai.

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8 bridges which span the Danube. The night view is really beautiful in particular.
Almost no changed view for Pest , which compared the now with the prewar days from the Pest. Wherever is visited in Europe, I always admire the cityscapes of those, but Budapest is the best.
The Liberty Bridge Where I stayed in Budapest is Danubius Hotel Gellért which the hot springs is available and nearby Liberty Bridge.
You can put a gown on the swimsuit and come down to a hot spring directly, so there is no troublesomeness of movement by tram with something wet closes, and a guest can refresh himself every day.
Metro, the tram and the bus Budapest transportation authority is managing can use movement in the city with the same coupon ticket, and those are gentle with a traveler as well.
The tone of the people is gentle slowly and very mild. The Hungarian casually speaks to travelers like an acquaintance, and it feels very harmonious.
The Hungary food is also awesome. Wine made in EGERU, goulash soup (paprika soup) and RIBAMAI (foie gras).
For here of the restaurant, I can recommend Belvarosi Disznotoros, located in a Pest area, who has served MANGARITTSUA pork, which is one of a national treasure in Hungarian food.
Ruszwurm located at Hill of royal Palace is recommended to have KUREMESHU with superb taste.
The pretty crown with slanting top cross exhibited in the House of Parliament, an art object of "Jewish shoes" on the esplanade are especially rememberable.
I made a little slide trip to Estergom (Hungary and Catholic head temple) , HORROKU (Maintaining BAROTSU style house made of wood.) as well.

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滞在したのは自由橋の袂、ゲッレールトの丘の温泉ホテルDanubius Hotel Gellért。
食べる国宝マンガリッツア豚は、ペスト地区にあるお肉屋さんのイートイン Belvárosi Disznótorosさんがおすすめ、

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ROLLING STONES 14@ Abu Dhabi concert, Gin-chan funeral, Global Village, Cricket, One of luxury desert hotel, Al Maha Resort@Abu Dhabi and etc.

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ROLLING STONES 14@ Abu Dhabiコンサート, Gin-chan funeral, Global Village, クリケット、アブダビにある砂漠リゾートのAl Maha Resort等、

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Traveled to Netherlands and Belgium in 2days.

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Visted at Casablanca.

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Travel with colleague to Kerala in South India.
Port Cochin-> coconut lagoon (lakeside resort in KUMARAKOMU village)-> back water cruise (I stay at a houseboat and tour through a KUTTANADO area.)
India is a big country. It's different entirely north of MUNBAI.
Tall palm tree, a flower of a rain forest and a purple water hyacinth, colonial house and sticky air, oh,feeling that it was similar to Malaysia.
MASARADOSA made with rice flour and beans (crepe), a seafood dish using coconut milk, tamarind, tomato, mango in cooking,and VADA (the donut which isn't sweet) etc.
The dish is also different from North India (where Yogurt and flour are well used for dish.)
Heavy rain, Green, the group of dragonfly and butterfly, Fisher King (kind of kingfishers and the beautiful little bird which lives in the waterside).
We felt comforted by all things because we came from a country in a desert.

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港町コーチン→ココナッツ・ラグーン(クマラコム村の湖畔リゾート)→バックウォーター・クルーズ(ハウスボートに宿泊してクッタナード地方を周 遊)。インドは大きい。ムンバイ以北とは全然違う。高い椰子の木、熱帯雨林、紫色のホテイアオイの花、コロニアル建築の家々、肌にまとわるじゅわっとした湿気は、なんだかマレーシアに似た感じ。ココナッツミルク、タマリンド、トマト、マンゴーを使ったシーフード料理、米粉と豆で作るマサラドーサ(クレープ)やヴァーダ(甘くないドーナッ ツ)etc 、

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Even though this is first visit here, I have been illluded many times as the town where I enjoyed lengthily because there are many movies and novels based on here. I remembered that "As Olympia lived there here." "the vicinity where Mark's inn was here" "A rector doctor was drawing the scenery overlooked from here." or so.
It's astonished to the wealth and influence because the legacy of Medici is made a hit of an eye actually.
September 8 (birthday of DUOMO) was a special day, and a pretty light-blue flag of a wool trade association could flutter and go out to the terrace where you can't usually enter to.
The taste of the autumn is also satisfied for a grill of SCHACCIATA CON LUVA (the Dolce made with a grape for wine) and PORCHINI (the mushroom I like very much).
This visit was a very good season in September since I can enjoyed such specific seasonal food.
The hotel, PLAZZO DEL BORGO-APRILE (PARATTSO of Medici is repaired.), where I stayed was able to see S.M. NOVERRA chapel from the room. I'm very comfortable though it was small room, it's near Chen Toro and the station, thus it was quote convinient location.
Without lining up a line, Florence card for travelers puts it in a museum and transportation can also use it, and is quite convenient for the person who would like to go around various places in a great hurry.
The most favorite museum was St. Mark monastery (Hula Angelico art museum/"last supper" by which Ghirlandajo has a cat).
Favorite Torattoria, LA BURRASCA and Ristorante, BUCA MARRIO DAL 1886 and a wild boar dish, OSTERIA DEL CINGHAALE BIANCO and Negroni (Campari, Bergamot and Dry Gin Cocktail which have been contrivance in 1920 year ) , CAFE GIACOSA and PROCACCI for panini and GURANITA (shaved ice) GILATERIA CARAVE.
A day trip goes on an outing (by train, one way for about 1 hour) and visited the Leaning Tower in Pisa.
The gift which came in handy is PECORINO TOSCANO (It is mellow cheese. There is the one wrapped in hay and herb.) , pecorini and the mushroom ingredients by which TOSUKANO and FINOKKIONA (Salam which contained fennel seed), ORIO day ORIVA Toscana (olive oil), REJJO Emilia (balsamic vinegar), truffle and porcini mushroom, etc.. Well I want to seriously dwell... (´ - `).

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初めてなのに、映画や小説で何度も脳内訪問しているから、「ここはオリンピアの住んでた通り」「マルコの宿があったあたり」「レクター博士はここ から臨んだ景色を描いてた」「パッツィがブレスレッド買った所」と、長く親しんだ街のような錯覚に陥る。


SCHACCIATA CON LUVA(ワイン用の葡萄で作るドルチェ)やPORCHINI(大好きなキノコ)のグリル等、秋の味覚も堪能。
9月訪問は、わたし的に、とてもよい季節 だった。

滞在したホテル PLAZZO DEL BORGO-APRILE(メディチ家のパラッツォを改修)のS・M・ノヴェッラ教会が見える部屋は、小さいけれど、とても居心地がよく、チェントロや駅 に近くてロケーションもグッド。
旅行者用のフィレンツェ・カードは、行列に並ばずにミュージアムに入れるし、交通機関も利用できて、いろんなところを大急ぎで回りたい人にはかな り便利。一番好きなミュージアムはサン・マルコ修道院(フラ・アンジェリコ美術館/ギルランダイオの、猫の居る「最後の晩餐」)。

お気に入りのトラットリアはLA BURRASCA、リストランテはBUCA MARRIO DAL 1886、猪料理はOSTERIA DEL CINGHAALE BIANCO、ネグローニ(1920年当店考案のカンパリ、ベルガモット、ドライジンのカクテル)CAFE GIACOSA、パニーニはPROCACCI、グラニータ(かき氷)GILATERIA CARAVE。

重宝したお土産は、ペコリーノ・トスカーノ(ローマのペコリーノと違ってまろやかなチーズ。干し草やハーブに包んだ物も)、フィノッキオーナ (フェンネル・シードを練り込んだサラミ)、 オーリオ・デイ・オリーヴァ・トスカーナ(オリーブ油)、レッジョ・エミーリア(バルサミコ)、トリュフやポルチーニ等のキノコ食材。
ーーー あぁ、住みたい…(´ - `)

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UAE Derby, Holi Festival@Dubai, Kite Festival and snap-shots.

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Patan, Bhaktapur,Changu Narayan, Nagarukotto and Bungamati, also visited Botanato in the Katmandu basin.
A big earthquake occurred on April 25, 2015, and it's said that many historic landmarks and world's cultural and natural heritages also suffered impossible damage according to report.
There will be something we can never see any more in the picture and streets raised here.
I'm wishing safety of the warm Nepalese people sincerely. The ambassador garden home hotel where it's located in TAMERU area that I stayed. The staffs were friendly like family, the hotel was fashionable and cozy, with garden.
Indeed a name of garden home was a fitting hotel. When I visited there, in the season which are SHIVA and Ra Tree (Hindu grand festival) exactly, in a Hindu temple, from all over the world, (even though it's from India mainly.), chatting with Sadhus was quite interested.
I did not have enough time to go trekking and also lacked physical strength to trek, so I took Himalaya Mountain Flight in a morning, it was also awesome.
Momo with a source contained a sesame in New Everest Momo center (Dish is similar to XIO LUNG BO in NEWARU family. Depending upon shop, they are using different source drops.) was not forgettable taste.

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可愛くてお洒落で居心地よい建物&お庭、家族のようにフレンドリーで頼れるスタッフ。まさにgarden homeの名がぴったりなホテルだった。


ニュー・エヴェレスト・モモ・センターの 、練りゴマ入りソースのモモ(ネワール族の、小籠包に似たお料理。お店によってソースが違う)が忘れられない。

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3 years passed over the Dubai life. It is the snap-shot of Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

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This is a place at where I was attracted to visit after watching a famous movie, "Summertime" when I was child.

Even though electricity becomes common, and neon became lighter, I felt that the atmosphere is same as the era of Catherine Hepburn.

I was relaxed like Casanova at a cafe in St. Mark square, where Catherine and Goethe were feeling.

HOTEL RIALTO where it's near the realtor bridge that I stayed.

A guest room is quite nice and I was just overlooking a canal in morning and evening time (it's for business use in the early morning, in daytime I was enjoyable to see gondolas come and go.) from the room window.

The favorite chapel is Santi Giovanni e Paolo.
BAKARI(Pub) where has a "Cat" sign board as log, is the most favorite.

MURANO island where is a famous of village to create superb Venetian glass with a half day stay.

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子供の頃「旅情 Summertime」を観てから、ずっと「いつか行きたい」と憧れていた街。


滞在したのはリアルト橋そばのHOTEL RIALTO。客室がかわいいだけでなくて、窓から朝夕、運河(朝は業務用、お昼からは行き

好きな教会はS・Ḡ・E・パオロ教会。お気に入りのお店は、看板が猫のマークの バカリ(居酒屋)。


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I have made a tour of by rental car. An air conditioner was not equipped because it was the northern district specification car. Having said that it was no problem without any air conditions. Just then, spring is blooming.
In full-blown almonds (A Japanese cherry tree is remembered.), rape blossom and cyclamen of wild race were impressed.
A memory of the myth which interchanged with many cats by a town along a sea and a mosaic in VIZANTIN era were moved. A church and a monastery were beautiful like the world of a picture book, and a mountain village in TORODOSU cleansed a soul.
I also visited in Turkey territory from REFUKOSHIA.
Where I stayed in was Al Mira hotel (PAFOSU), Mira hotel (TORODOSU is very pretty.) and Limassol hotel (REMESOSU).
I smacked my lips in wine and MEZZE (mese) of seafoods and a river fish dish of mountain products (TORODOSU/trout food) are enjoyed.
The lounge at the LARUNAKA International Airport when departing, was also very cozy.

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The place circled in a rampart, called "Pearl in Adriatic sea".
When looking down upon a town from Mt. SURUJI, feeling of KIKI of "Kiki's Delivery Service" which is one of famous Japanese cartoon movie can be sensed.
It was destroyed recklessly in the civil war, but beautiful streets like origin were restored.
Through showing the numbers of the hopeless photo picture before restoration, I filled my heart to imagine that it will be indefatigability of the people who would clench their teeth for a recovery fully.
The hotel where I stayed, EXCELSIOR (Ahead of the PUROCHE gate. An old town can be looked around from the room window.)
I have purchased 3 nice straw hats in hat speciality store "RONCHI".
The seafood restaurant attended (in particular, oyster and scampi Prawn) is BUFETT KAMENICE.
I also joined a day trip bus tour to get to "SUTON", "KORUCHURA island", "Montenegro"and "Mostar" (Bosnian ancient city) which are neighbor countries.

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通ったシーフード・レストラン(特に生牡蠣、スカンピ 手長海老)は、BUFETT KAMENICE。

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Driving to Omani north NIZUWA and BUHARA, took some 6hours from Dubai.
No liquor is available at a hotel, of course, I brought wine in a trunk.
The fort devised like castle wall, Ninja residence, market since the old days, goat, awesome rocky mountain and the shining blue sky.

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Mr. Nicholas can talk with animals and wild birds, and knows the tendency of each behavior in the area, and also reads a footprint of animals. He is the expert tour guide who also takes charge of photography guide of the professional photographer who crosses for many months. He took the way in reverse comparing with a course of general sightseeing tour.
I also met with Elephant which is a mid of wedding, shy Leopard, sexy Cheetah, Cute Hyena and delighted Lion after hunt thanks to him.
Further to that Mr. Nicholas was also exciting by himself, "It's very rare that you can meet with the group of hunting Dog."
In Samburu National Reserve, Giraffe with specific design and Zebra better-looking than the kind of other areas was struck in particular.
The quality of the travel seems to depend on a tour guide fairly. (Troubles are often witnessed including car issue.)
The lodge in each park is very comfortable, dishes and the cleanness of rooms are carefree.
Good-looking little birds were various, and if I brought binoculars there, maybe it was better (´- `).

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色々に美しい小鳥さんたちも多種で、双眼鏡を持ってくると更によかったかも(´- `)

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Traveled at Jedda.
It's a slightly open city relatively, peculiarly Middle East traditional design buildings have been retained and it was historical. Driving of a car by ladies are forbidden and officers confiscate camera if they found to take a photo in the city. It is quite hard and tough for foreigners to travel. Non-Muslem, you can't get close to Mecca.

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Dubai-stay-2 year's photograph. This year is the 40th anniversary of UAE birth, and there held many events of auspicious occasions. It is thought again that it is uncanny to make here a fresh city in 40 years.

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Abu Dhabi is the distance about 1 hour drive from Dubai. The inside of Abu Dhabi have pains to look for a parking lot. Although a highlight is little touch compared with Dubai, numerous developments are also on-going and seems that entertainments would be gradually increased.

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Just 2 hours drive to Khasab of Musandam from Dubai.
The sea was also beautiful and abundant in nature remained. It is a recommended place to escape the noise of Dubai. One day trip from Dubai to there is also availabe.

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Visited at Syria in order to see the ruins of Palmira of world heritage, Damascus, Palmyra, Bosra, and Maalula. Since Syria Visa was not able to be acquired in advance in Dubai, we entered in Lebanon (Beirut) firstly, and went along the overland route to the border on the same day to obtain Syria Visa. Then reached at Damascus. The atmosphere of the old good Middle East remains, and people of Syria was very FRIENDLY.

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世界遺産のパルミラ遺跡をみるため、シリアを訪れた。訪問先はDamascus, Palmyra, Bosra, Maalula。ドバイで事前にSyriaのVisaを取得することができなかったため、まずLebanon(Beirut)に入国し、当日陸路で国境まで行き、そこでSyriaのVisaを取得、Damascusへ入った。古き良き中東の雰囲気が残っており、またシリアの人々はとてもフレンドリー。

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Journey to Marrakech and Ouarzazate.
Since the Marrakech itself was a maze, we can always find new discovery through walking around the old town. Further to that the town is registered into world heritage and it is a very amazing town.

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Living in Dubai since 2009. Although there were economic crises, called as "Dubai shock", Dubai is still fine and stable. Although Dubai life cost is higher than other Middle East country, it is comparatively tolerant also against liquors. However, even if experiences many times of Ramadan and understands the holy season, it is burdensome for non-moslem.

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Visted at Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. Foods are brilliant and its prices are also less expensive. It was a country to where people are kinder than anything. As a resort, although it is good, the heart is relieved by spending slow time there.

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Horoshima Flower Festival, Tokyo, Yamaguchi,

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It was a place where provides amaizingly delicious food whatever it took. People are generous. Taipei 101 is presented with the No.1 height of the world until Burj Khalīfah in Dubai can make it, and have a lot of highlighted place there.

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Tokyo, Chiba, Shirakawa-go,

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Long Journy to Tashkent and Samarqand. It is the first time to visit at the country of Central Asia.
Foods is not only reasonable price, but also brilliant taste. Here is a country which we want to come again. However, English is hardly understood.

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First visit in Middle East, Amman, the Dead Sea, Petra, Sarto, Azraq, Jerash, etc. The Dead Sea makes the body truly float with nothing to do. Conversely, cannot submarge the body. Furthermore since it was very salty, it was not able to soak it for a long time.

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Nikko Tosho-gu, Kinchakuda, Tokyo Station

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Dallas, assassination of John F. Kennedy...

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Visited at Jaipur, Delhi, and Agra which are called Golden Triangle in India. transferred each city by train. As a railroad trip is very impressive, it is a favorite transportation way.

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Traveled at Ubud in Indonesia. Moving by rental car in Bali. Purchased big Ganesa (sculpture of a stone) and the cupboard using the mahogany of the disused ship. Those were sent to Japan by sea freight. The customs clearance and procedures in Japan to import was like Red and Tape and really serious.

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Long journy from Japan to Cancun (Chichen Itza) and Mexico City (Teotihuacan) which is world heritage. Moved to Chichen Itza by rental car from Cancun, and it is about 200 km distance. The highway was provided and comfortable drive.

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Visited at Bagan and Yangon.
Several type of Buddha statues are presented everywhere and we feel that we saw the lifetime's worth of Buddha statues there. In Bagan, enjoyed the lovely view of the pagoda from flying balloon.

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Photographs when we visited at Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Lima, and Nazca.
We really felt that Machu Picchu is the "castle in the sky" itself. Cuzco was the city where the sky is the most beautiful.

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Traveled at Luang Phabang registered in world heritage and the capital Vientiane.
At the Luang Phabang, the meal was taken at stalls almost every nights. The taste was the highest and price was reasonable.

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Journeyed to Istanbul and Cappadocia. The Turkey food which is one of the world 3 major dishes was really delicious. "Blue Mosque" was also wonderful, an internal mural painting and lightening were very beautiful more than others. We believed that it was the most beautiful mosque around the world as long as we know.
*Travelogue is included.

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Considerably traveled and moved, Cairo - Luxor - Abu Simbel - Aswan - Hurghada - Giza.
Tranferred by the sleeper train called "Wagons-Lits" and the convoy along the overland route. It was really heated in Egypt during summer season(48 degrees), but not humid.
*Travelogue is included.

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Traveled to Siem Reap.
The ruins of the Angkor Wat group have assistance from Japan etc., and maintenance was on-going accordingly. In order to cruise ruins, movement by motorbike was chosen and it was very comfortable and excited.
*Travelogue is included.

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Photographs taken in Bombay, Udaipur, and Aurangabad (Ellora, Ajanta).
1st visit to India. I felt that it was the most intersting and depthful country. Have to come back here to seek more….
*Travelogue is included.

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Tokyo, Prime Minister's Official Residence, Tokyo Station

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Ho Chi Minh City and Nha-trang.
Overbooking in our flight from Japan, and a domestic flight in Viet Nam was delayed and an addition, the booked flight coming back to Japan was canceled just before boarding started due to facilities being faulty. Very much unforgettable trip.
*Travelogue is included.

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The Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci.

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Traveled in the common name "Malayan Railways" which runs through the Malay Peninsula (Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore).
The Malayan Railways have two vertical section routes of east and west, and it took this trip by the west side route in order to go to "Pangkor Laut Resort."

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Okinawa, Tokashiki Island

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Visited at Shanghai.Numurous Shanghaninese peoples were improving thier Taijiquan along "Huangpu River" in the morning. As luckly got an admission ticket for "Shanghai acrobatic performance theater", also enjoyed it. Seems that the outside air was contaminated due to car exhaust, previously.

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During New year Holiday, Journeyed to Ishigaki and Taketomi island far from Okinama main land. It remained the traditional house style and life, especially in Taketomi. As the first time in my life, enjoyed a scuba diving as well.

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Traveled to Bangkok, Kanchanaburi, Ayutthaya.

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Traveled to Hokkaido early summar season in order to visit at "Waterfall of Kamui chucker” and a lovely place "Furano", where is a famous place in Japan since one of Japan TV station broadcasted a drama, "From Northan country". During the journy, we enjoyed camping instead of staying a hotel. It was abundant in nature and very calm place.

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Photographs were taken by the 1st single lens reflex camera, Canon EOS Kiss.
As I have just started photograph via SLR, it were not good photos, but I hope you take in and receive the atmosphere of the northern lights (Aurora) or snow world.
(-45degrees Celsius)

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初めて手にした一眼レフCanon EOS Kissで撮影。写真をはじめたばかりで、写真として出来はよくないが、オーロラや雪の世界の雰囲気を感じ取ってもらえるかな。(-45℃)

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Kawagoe Festival, Nagano, Tokyo

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Again visited at Lombok Island

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Visited at Pangandaran, Jogjakarta, Bandung, Jakarta, Lombok

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Visited at Jeju where is a resort and famous island in Korea. It was a resort island, but we have enjoyed a backwater town in those days.

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Visited at Madura Island, Surabaya, Bali, Borobudur

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Again Traveled to Seoul by Kampu Ferry, the main purpose was to visit Panmunjon which is famous as JSA, Joint Security Area where discussions takes place between South Korea and North Korea after the Korean War.
KBT was only allowed to operate the special tour in those days. To talk to N.K. soldier was strictly prohibited.

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Traveled to Seoul by Kampu Ferry which is connecting between Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture and Busan, Korea. The Ferry trip was quite comfortable since Bus Tab and Sauna as free-service were equipped on the ship. Departure time was at PM3:00 and arrived at Busan port at AM6:00 next day. Japan-Korea Joint traveling Tickets issued by JR had covered traveling from Shimonoseki port to Busan port via Ferry and training from Busan to Seoul. Unfortunately, the Joint tickets sales was terminated 2015.

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Traveled to Paris and Versailles.

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